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Am I On The Spectrum?

An Aspies Guide To The Autistic Spectrum

I am On It and So Are You!



An interesting look at the many shared characteristics between autism and numerous psychological/psychiatric/ emotional conditions. She explains the fundamentals of each well and how they overlap with the autistic spectrum, exploring elements of autistic traits in all of us.
As the author herself states there is need for more evidence and research in these areas but her hypotheses are well reasoned and don't shy away from the controversial. She draws from both research and personal experience and is thought provoking in her conclusions.
I do however, disagree with her portrayal of Anfrew Wakefield and the role of vaccination, which is an area where there has been a lot of research.


As I said this book covers a whole host of topics from the diagnostic aspects to sexuality and beyond. Danielle's book truly is a fascinating read covering a depth and breath not only seen in her research but in the personal touches she flourishes the reader with from her own experiences. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about Autism spectrum disorder/condition. if I have any negatives about this it's the sometimes academically dry tone that on occasions reads like an extend essay. which might not be to some readers tastes.


An insightful and thought provoking book, offering everything from characteristics of autism, to it’s history as well as practical advice. As a parent going through the diagnosis process with a child, it has been an invaluable resource to help me to understand what my child is going through and to negotiate a way forward.
Whilst other books are available about the ‘science’ and evidence of autism, this offers key information through lived experience.


'A close friend recently gifted me a copy of Danielle Hampson's newly published book, insisting that I had to read it.

The text explains Mrs Hampson's hypothesis that we all exhibit, to one degree or another, autistic traits. This is no real surprise to me, since many working within the field of mental health have long acknowledged that nearly all diagnosed "abnormal" behavior is also present in so called "normal" people to some extent, but at a lower intensity of expression. Although some of her conclusions are certainly not mainstream, most of her arguments seem logical and well researched. The chapter on gender will certainly be of interest to some readers, especially since nowadays there are so many more "gender identities" than there were in the past. Mrs Hampsons writing style communicates her deep passion for the subject and her words resonate with an authenticity that could only ever have arisen from considerable direct personal experience with autistic behavior that often oscillates between periods of frustrating dysfunction followed by highly intelligent, inspiring outbursts of creativity! A recommended read for anyone interested in learning more about themselves and more about those who have already been labeled as "autistic".

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